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Fast Track: Which Side Are You On?
January 2, 2002
Following the heart-breaking House vote of 215-214 that gave President Bush "fast-track" trade negotiating authority, the Senate Finance Committee voted to move a similar measure to the Senate floor. However, Senate action is not expected until February or later.
CWA Aids Furloughed Airline Agents
January 2, 2002
CWA is pressing the Department of Transportation to give furloughed airline customer service agents priority consideration in hiring for the new federal jobs created by Congress in the Airline Security Act.
Union Calls for Boycott of "Music Man" Tour
January 1, 2002
There’s labor trouble in River City. The theatrical production of “The Music Man,” scheduled to tour 28 cities between this December and September of 2002, is being performed by non-union actors, and the actors’ union is asking the public to boycott the show.
Remembering an American Hero: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
January 1, 2002
It is almost impossible to imagine now, but less than 40 years ago in some parts of the United States, black Americans weren’t allowed to go to the same schools or restaurants as white Americans. They weren’t allowed to drink from the same water fountains or use the same restrooms.