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People vs Profit: PBS Explores NAFTA Provision

January 18, 2002
A Bill Moyers report coming up on PBS, explores a reprehensible provision of NAFTA that allows companies to sue governments for millions when laws protecting people's welfare stand in the way of profit.

Fight Continues to Aid Recession Victims

January 4, 2002
As the economic stimulus issue has turned into a political football game, organized labor is making sure that union members and the general public know that it is congressional Republicans and the president who are trying to ram through a tax giveaway package for corporations and the wealthy that ignores workers' needs and fails to address the immediate recession.

CWA/ITU Pension Plan Wins Fraud Settlement

January 4, 2002
The CWA/ITU Negotiated Pension Plan won a $110 million settlement in a securities fraud case against an accounting firm for its role in misleading shareholders - including CWA members - about the financial health of the now-bankrupt Sunbeam Corp.

CWA Locals Prepare for AT&T Bargaining

January 4, 2002
Amid major AT&T restructuring, CWA local union officers are meeting in Orlando, Fla., Jan. 6-9 to set bargaining goals and plan for negotiations that will get underway this spring.