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Jobs, Health Care and Retirement Security

Fund the Pension Rally Trenton NJ

CWA members across the country are working through bargaining and legislative action to protect good jobs, quality health care and a secure retirement for working families. 

But these cornerstones of the middle class are being eroded. 

One of the biggest threats to working families is the continued outsourcing of our good paying jobs. Shipping jobs to low-road contractors and overseas has become just another corporate business decision without regard for the impact on workers and communities across our country. CWA is fighting back, and holding legislators accountable in their promises to stand up for our families by fighting for fair trade agreements, creating incentives to companies for domestic production, and investing in the critical jobs important for our future – in the green economy and other sectors.

Workers are paying more for health plans that deliver less coverage and over half have no employer-sponsored retirement plan at all. 

Medicare and Social Security are constantly under attack by Wall Streeters who want to shift the risk of affording health care and retirement to seniors.

Information and resources are provided here to assist CWA members in the fight to preserve quality benefit plans and secure a healthy future for all workers.

Health Care Bargaining

Pension Bargaining

Understanding the Affordable Care Act

State Public Employee Pension Websites


Ad Campaign in Support of Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Strikers
August 8, 2024

Pittsburgh Strikers’ Right to Picket Affirmed, Again, in Court Ruling

PG Publishing Company, Inc. filed a motion in Allegheny County Court, attempting to permanently bar the striking workers from picketing the newspaper’s distribution center.
August 1, 2024

AFA-CWA Responds to United Airlines’ New Sick Leave Policy

United executives have issued a scheduling alert email that AFA-CWA is calling “offensive” and “accusatory.”
Piedmont Passenger Service and Ramp Agents Mobilize
July 25, 2024

CWA Piedmont Passenger Service and Ramp Agents Mobilize for Fair Pay, Healthcare

CWA will continue to hold the line and fight for our economic proposal that includes a liveable wage.