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Fast Track: Which Side Are You On?

Following the heart-breaking House vote of 215-214 that gave President Bush "fast-track" trade negotiating authority, the Senate Finance Committee voted to move a similar measure to the Senate floor. However, Senate action is not expected until February or later.

The House tally had 21 Democrats leaping across the aisle to vote for fast track - in effect assuring more NAFTA-style trade deals without worker or environmental protections. Twenty-three Republicans supported the interests of working families and voted against the bill.

Democrats voting "yes" on fast track were Ken Bentsen, Ralph Hall, Ruben Hinojosa, Solomon Ortiz and Charles Stenholm, Texas; Susan Davis and Calvin Dooley, California; William Jefferson and Chris John, Louisiana; Brad Carson, Oklahoma; Jim Davis, Florida; Norman Dicks, Washington; Bob Etheridge, North Carolina; Baron Hill, Indiana; Ken Lucas, Kentucky; Jim Matheson, Utah; Dennis Moore, Kansas; Jim Moran, Virginia; Ike Skelton, Missouri; Vic Snyder, Arizona; and John Tanner, Tennessee. A 22nd Democrat, Carrie Meek of Florida, was hospitalized the day of the vote.

Republicans who voted against fast track were: Howard Coble, Walter Jones and Charles Taylor, North Carolina; Benjamin Gilman, John McHugh and James Walsh, New York; Mark Foley and Adam Putman, Florida; Steven LaTourette and Ralph Regula, Ohio; Frank LoBiondo and Christopher Smith, New Jersey; Robert Aderholt, Alabama; Roscoe Bartlett, Maryland; Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia; John Duncan, Tennessee; Lindsey Graham, South Carolina; Peter Hoekstra, Michigan; Charlie Norwood, Georgia; Ron Paul, Texas; Harold Rogers, Kentucky; Rob Simmons, Connecticut; and Curt Weldon, Pennsylvania. Republicans John Hostettler, Indiana; Jack Quinn, New York; Marge Roukema, New Jersey; and Don Young, Arkansas, did not vote.