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CWA Aids Furloughed Airline Agents

CWA is pressing the Department of Transportation to give furloughed airline customer service agents priority consideration in hiring for the new federal jobs created by Congress in the Airline Security Act.

CWA President Morton Bahr has been meeting with lawmakers to gain support for the government's hiring of skilled agents who have lost their jobs in the industry downturn. CWA is providing the names of agents who want to be considered for these new positions to the Department of Transportation; DOT has agreed to mail job applications to all agents on the CWA-provided list. The aviation security bill created 28,000 new security positions, replacing the passenger and baggage screening and other security work done by private contractors at the nation's airports.

Any furloughed agent who wishes to have her or his name forwarded to the Department of Transportation to receive an employment application should send the following information to CWA: full name; home address and phone number; former work location, employer and job title.

The information can be sent to, faxed to 817-545-8733, or mailed to CWA, Attn: Airport Security Jobs, Passenger Service Division, 501 3rd Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20001.