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Telecom Members Rally for Jobs
November 22, 2002
CWA members are fighting telecom companies that cut jobs even though they are making good profits and paying high executive compensation.
District 1 Retreat Expands Safety and Health Goals
November 22, 2002
Occupational safety and health coordinators from CWA sectors explored how to promote safer workplaces and the use of safety and health in mobilization and organizing campaigns.
CWA: GSA Decision Rewards WorldCom for its Corporate, Public Abuse
Press Release
Following is a statement by the Communications Workers of America on the decision by the General Services Administration to allow WorldCom to continue doing business with the federal government:
Negotiations Continue with VIS
November 8, 2002
CWA negotiators at Verizon Information Services met all week with the company in Philadelphia. Talks will continue next week as they attempt to reach a first contract for 1,700 directory sales and support employees in the mid-Atlantic states.
Nov. 5 Election Clinches Organizing Victory
November 8, 2002
Arizona congressional and local election returns virtually guarantees recognition for 354 school employees in their quest for affiliation with CWA.