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CWA Scientists Get Long-Awaited Raises
December 9, 2002
More than 130 NJ forensic scientists are getting long overdue raises and back pay.
CWA, Environmental Group Seek to Stop Use of Toxic Wood Preservatives
Press Release
Washington, D.C. -- The Communications Workers of America has joined Beyond Pesticides, a leading environmental group, in a federal lawsuit to stop the continued use of the highly toxic wood preservatives chromated copper arsenate (CCA), pentachlorophenol (penta) and creosote.
Settlement Gains Contraceptive Coverage for Dow Jones Workers
Press Release
A settlement was reached with Dow Jones & Co., to provide contraceptive coverage in all medical plans for all its employees, plus retroactive reimbursement for contraceptive coverage bought by current and former employees back to Jan. 1, 2001.
IUE-CWA Local Wins Budget Victory
November 22, 2002
IUE-CWA Local 81381 has won a major victory for social services workers in Monroe County and Rochester, N.Y.
Telecom Members Rally for Jobs
November 22, 2002
CWA members are fighting telecom companies that cut jobs even though they are making good profits and paying high executive compensation.