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General Electric Elected as 2002 Grinch of the Year
Press Release
Washington, D.C. - In nationwide balloting, General Electric was elected as the 2002 "Grinch of the Year" for causing the most harm to working families through substantial shifting of health care costs onto workers and retirees.
Dow Jones Agrees to Cover Contraceptives
December 20, 2002
Employees at the Wall Street Journal and other Dow Jones entities finally have prescription birth control coverage.
Media Unions Raise Concentration Concerns
December 20, 2002
Media unions challenged news operations to cover the FCC's pending decision on relaxing the rules for media ownership.
CWA Resolution Prompts Verizon Reform
December 20, 2002
Pressure from CWA has stimulated a change in Verizon's accounting practices.
Verizon Layoff Threat Leads to Injuries
December 20, 2002
Verizon's misguided attempt to continue service in the event of layoffs leads to on-the-job injuries.