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Dow Jones Agrees to Cover Contraceptives

Employees at the Wall Street Journal and other Dow Jones entities now have prescription birth control coverage in all medical plans the media company offers.

Three members of TNG-CWA Local 1096 had filed suit against Dow Jones with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, charging that failing to cover contraceptives was a matter of sex discrimination. "Fairness dictates that it be covered," TNG-CWA President Linda Foley said. "If all participants' health needs are going to be treated equally in a health plan, that has to include contraceptive coverage."

The EEOC ruled in 2000 that excluding contraceptives from health plans violates the 1978 Pregnancy Discrimination Act, a decision later upheld by a federal District Court judge in Washington state. Still, few companies are complying without pressure from unions.

Dow Jones had covered birth control in some of its health plans, but not in the one favored by most employees. In a settlement with CWA, Dow Jones has agreed to provide coverage for prescription contraceptives and related medical services in all of its medical plans.