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IUE-CWA Local Wins Budget Victory
A union and community-wide mobilization, combined with an effective media campaign, produced a major victory for social services workers in Monroe County and Rochester, N.Y., represented by IUE-CWA Local 81381.
The local, representing about 800 workers, kept up an active fight against a proposed county budget that would have slashed 200 jobs and cut needed services to children, seniors and the disabled. The campaign included months of building support from religious and civic organizations, visits to county legislators, community rallies and two rounds of radio ads that called on legislators to reject the county executive's budget.
At the November session, legislators vetoed that plan and approved a new budget that restores some of the budget cuts and adds new jobs for child protective investigations. The new budget includes a 2.5 percent property tax increase adopted by the Republican-majority legislature. Taxes had not increased in the past 11 years, straining efforts to provide needed services.
IUE-CWA Local 81381 President John Vasko said the local will continue to work to win additional resources for social services and to monitor privatization proposals that will likely be introduced next year.
The local, representing about 800 workers, kept up an active fight against a proposed county budget that would have slashed 200 jobs and cut needed services to children, seniors and the disabled. The campaign included months of building support from religious and civic organizations, visits to county legislators, community rallies and two rounds of radio ads that called on legislators to reject the county executive's budget.
At the November session, legislators vetoed that plan and approved a new budget that restores some of the budget cuts and adds new jobs for child protective investigations. The new budget includes a 2.5 percent property tax increase adopted by the Republican-majority legislature. Taxes had not increased in the past 11 years, straining efforts to provide needed services.
IUE-CWA Local 81381 President John Vasko said the local will continue to work to win additional resources for social services and to monitor privatization proposals that will likely be introduced next year.