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Convention Delegates Step Up to Challenge-CWA 62nd Annual Convention
October 1, 2000
CWA’s 62nd Annual Convention — just a week before Labor Day — launched a groundswell of support for the union’s endorsed political candidates, with determination to send Al Gore and Joe Lieberman to the White House.
Tax Cuts
October 1, 2000
When the George W. Bush campaign tried to find a “typical” family to illustrate how his tax cuts would help them, it was no easy matter.
Milburn Elected District 6 VP
October 1, 2000
Andy Milburn, installed at the convention, swears to uphold the CWA Constitution as vice president of District 6. Milburn, appointed by the CWA executive board earlier this year after Vice Pres.
Resolutions Address Workers’ Issues at Home and Abroad
October 1, 2000
It’s official. CWA members are backing Al Gore and Joe Lieberman for the presidency and vice presidency in November.
Union Scholarships Launch High Achievers
October 1, 2000
With college costs rising as much as 8 percent over the past year, these winners of CWA scholarships can breathe a sigh of relief.