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Marketing Conference Prepares Service Reps for Action

November 1, 1998
Service representatives and sales employees from across the nation sized up recent contract gains and redefined the union standard of quality customer service at CWA's National Marketing Conference, as they prepared to fight for the jobs of the future.

NOTICE: CWA Board Amends Internal Appeals Procedure

November 1, 1998
At its meeting in October the CWA Executive Board changed the CWA Internal Appeals Procedures as it relates to a complaint concerning a Vice President's decision not to take a grievance to arbitration.

March Spotlights Poverty in Appalachia

November 1, 1998
CWA members and leaders were a key part of the "March for Appalachia," organized by the Rev. Jesse Jackson, the AFL-CIO, CWA and other unions, to focus attention on the citizens throughout the region who are not sharing in the nation's prosperity.