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Savings Bonds a Safe, Competitive Way to Save

November 1, 2000
Stick your money in a conventional bank account and you’ll be lucky to earn 3 percent interest. Certificates of deposit — CDs — barely yield 5 percent at most banks, and require a hefty investment. The stock market may treat you better, but it’s risky business.

CWA Newsmakers

November 1, 2000
Frank Dosio, a member of CWA Local 1103, has been loaned by Verizon Communications as an executive for a project President Clinton announced Oct.

Celebrate Labor with Holiday Gifts

November 1, 2000
The website makes it easy to shop for union-made gifts for the holidays, from slick new scooters to computers, video games, clothes and toys.

But if you want to take your union shopping spree a step further, consider gifts that focus on labor and social justice.