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US Airways Locals Expand Survey on Injuries at Work

March 1, 2001
A survey that showed a high rate of repetitive motion, strain and other job-related injuries among CWA members working in customer service at US Airways is being expanded to most domestic airlines reported Executive Vice President Larry Cohen, who has responsibility for safety and health issues.

IUE-CWA Staffer Jim Altier Dies

March 1, 2001
Jim Altier, staff representative for IUE-CWA’s Delphi/GM Conference Board, died Jan. 17 after suffering a heart attack. He was 63.

Spotlight: Labor and Economic News Across the Country

March 1, 2001
Musicians Trumpet Napster Ruling
A federal court ruling preventing Napster users from swapping copyrighted music on the Internet is getting a standing ovation from the American Federation of Musicians.