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IUE-CWA Staffer Jim Altier Dies

Jim Altier, staff representative for IUE-CWA’s Delphi/GM Conference Board, died Jan. 17 after suffering a heart attack. He was 63.

A pension and benefits specialist, Altier participated in every round of IUE’s negotiations with General Motors and Delphi Automotive Systems over the past 20 years.

“I have known Jim for most of my working life,” IUE-CWA President Ed Fire said. “Jim served our union with great distinction. He was a good friend to all, and we will miss him.”

Altier became a member of IUE Local 717, Warren, Ohio, when first employed by Packard Electric in 1959. During the early 1960s, he served on the local’s district committee and building committee and as a full-time assistant to the chairman of its shop committee.

He became the local’s first full-time benefits representative in 1967 and joined the IUE staff in 1990 as pension and benefits specialist and unemployment benefits representative for the Delphi/GM Conference Board, which bargains jointly with other AFL-CIO unions and represents several locals comprising about 20,000 IUE-CWA members.

Survivors include his wife, Edie, a daughter, Sheryl Reitz, two sons, James Jr. and Joe, who is a member of Local 717 and Ed Fire’s godchild, and six grandchildren.