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Spotlight: Labor and Economic News Across the Country
March 1, 2001
Musicians Trumpet Napster Ruling
A federal court ruling preventing Napster users from swapping copyrighted music on the Internet is getting a standing ovation from the American Federation of Musicians.
A federal court ruling preventing Napster users from swapping copyrighted music on the Internet is getting a standing ovation from the American Federation of Musicians.
Announcing: The First Morton Bahr Scholarships
March 1, 2001
Empire State College Honors CWA's President with Creation of "Distance Learning" Degree Program
Heywood Broun Award Goes to Arkansas Journalist
Press Release
Washington, D.C. - Mary Hargrove, an associate editor for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, has won the 2000 Heywood Broun Award for a series that explored the failures of the Arkansas juvenile justice system.
Bush Plan: Giveway to Super Rich that Squanders Opportunity to Invest In America
Press Release
Statement by CWA President Morton Bahr:
AT&T Institutional Shareholders Discuss Breakup Proposal: Some 150 investors, analysts join AFL-CIO
Washington, D.C.- More than 150 major institutional investors and shareholders of AT&T (NYSE:T) joined a conference call sponsored by the Communications Workers of America and the AFL-CIO's Capital Stewardship Program to hear experts discuss the serious concerns surrounding the proposed breakup