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Remembering an American Hero: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

January 1, 2002
It is almost impossible to imagine now, but less than 40 years ago in some parts of the United States, black Americans weren’t allowed to go to the same schools or restaurants as white Americans. They weren’t allowed to drink from the same water fountains or use the same restrooms.

Feedback: From Victims' Families: Thanks for Caring

January 1, 2002
(Editors’ note: Freelance camera operator Tom Pecorelli of NABET-CWA Local 59053, lost his life when American Airlines Flight 11 struck the World Trade Center. The following was addressed to President Morton Bahr and the CWA family.)

CWA: Tauzin-Dingell Bill Will Boost Jobs, Investment, Economy

Press Release
Washington, D.C.-- Communications Workers of America President Morton Bahr is calling on the House of Representatives to jumpstart the economy by adopting the Tauzin-Dingell bill, also known as the Internet Freedom and Broadband Deployment Act, H.R. 1542.