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Unions Continued Talks with Verizon in 2003
Press Release
Washington, D.C. -- As the midnight contract expiration approached in union contract talks with Verizon, the Communications Workers of America and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers announced that negotiations are continuing.
CWA President Morton Bahr Applauds GSA Decision to Suspend MCI/WorldCom from Federal Contracts
Press Release
President Morton Bahr of the Communications Workers of America issued the following statement today:
The General Services Administration has taken welcome and appropriate action in suspending MCI/WorldCom from eligibility for doing business with the government.
The General Services Administration has taken welcome and appropriate action in suspending MCI/WorldCom from eligibility for doing business with the government.
Sen. Edwards Backs Verizon N.C. Strikers
July 23, 2003
Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.) wrote Verizon President Babbio voicing concern over the Verizon North Carolina strike. He called on the company to negotiate in good faith an end to the strike and allow workers to return to their jobs.
Locked Out Ohio Members Fight for Child Safety
July 23, 2003
Members of CWA Local 4546 who work at Summit County Children Services in Akron, Ohio, are fighting to protect children affected by caseloads the overburdened workers carry.
Senate Bipartisan Group Fights FCC Media Decision
July 23, 2003
The media ownership battle heats up on Capitol Hill as a bipartisan group of senators and the House Appropriations Committee take action to overturn critical elements of the FCC decision to allow media giants to gobble up more of the local TV and newspaper market.