Union power is impossible without the full participation of an organized, educated and mobilized membership. We cannot protect ourselves or make any gains without it. A few leaders cannot do it alone. It cannot work if we only do it during Contract bargaining. It must be the way Locals function all the time.
Mobilization requires three elements:
- Organization -- an organized structure that touches every member, in each department, each building, each Local.
- Education – understanding our industry, our employer, the political situation, our allies and our power as a Union.
- A plan for collective action -- actions that involve our members on every level, from wearing red shirts to taking on the employer in any way necessary.
This site contains tools that will help you accomplish those three things. We will also use it to share ideas from Locals that have done successful mobilization activities. As the Staff responsible for Mobilization, Ken Saether (ksaether@cwa-union.org) will help you develop you plans, if you request it.
“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them… The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” Frederick Douglas
AT&T/Lucent/Avaya/OFS Mobilization Coordinator - Tony Shaffer / Ruth Marriott
Organizing Coordination - All T&T Staff
- How to Create a Survey
- Sample Management Survey
- Building Locations Form
- A Community Mobilization Survey
- One-on-One Work Group Mobilization Contacts
- Work Group Mobilization Coordinators
Mobilization Contacts
Ruth Marriott (T&T Office) | (202) 434-1303 | rmarriott@cwa-union.org |
Wendy Connolly (T&T Office) | (202) 434-1295 | wconnolly@cwa-union.org |
Chuck Elgart | (402) 269-0644 | chck191@gmail.com |
Sandy Branch | (214) 336-6214 | sandybranch@yahoo.com |
Danny DeOsio | (210) 857-2562 | deosio_cwa6143@att.net |
Chad Hefner | (661) 549-0011 | chefner@cwa9415.org |
Rico Moyeda | (909) 856-6525 | ricocwa9400@gmail.com |
Michelle Richardson | (984) 389-7610 | michelle.richardson@cwa7250.org |
Carson Turnquist | (612) 910-4485 | cturnquist@cwa7270.org |