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CWA Applauds FCC Decision to "Stop the Clock" on Verizon Wireless/Big Cable Proposal

Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Communications Workers of America supports the decision by the Federal Communications Commission to "stop the clock" on its review of a proposed deal between Verizon Wireless and large cable operators, noting the action is an important step forward in assuring full disclosure of the potential impact on consumers and the prices they would pay.

CWA Members Plan Protests for Verizon Shareholder Meeting

April 20, 2012
Taking a stand against corporate greed, CWA activists plan to protest Verizon's annual shareholder meeting on May 3. The gathering starts at 10:30 a.m. at the Von Braun Center, an arena located in downtown Huntsville, Ala. Shareholders will be voting on nine proposals, including an AFSCME and CWA General Fund proposition requiring Verizon to publically disclose its federal- and state-level lobbying.

Watch President Cohen on Ed Show and Jennifer Granholm's 'War Room' Tonight

CWA President Larry Cohen will be on the Ed Show, with host Ed Schultz, tonight, talking about the attack on workers and their unions coming from Rep. Darrell Issa, (R-Calif.) Then he heads to the War Room on Current TV, hosted by former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, to talk about ALEC and the Chamber of Commerce's orchestrated attack on workers rights and other issues in the states.