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CWA Members Plan Protests for Verizon Shareholder Meeting

Taking a stand against corporate greed, CWA activists plan to protest Verizon's annual shareholder meeting on May 3.

Taking a stand against corporate greed, CWA activists plan to protest Verizon's annual shareholder meeting on May 3.

The gathering starts at 10:30 a.m. at the Von Braun Center, an arena located in downtown Huntsville, Ala. Shareholders will be voting on nine proposals, including an AFSCME and CWA General Fund proposition requiring Verizon to publically disclose its federal- and state-level lobbying.

At the same time, across the country, CWA members will be rallying against Verizon's decision to send thousands of American jobs overseas and the company's plans to gut pensions, charge more for health benefits and cut disability. Despite raking in billions of dollars in profits, Verizon has stiffed workers while tripling the compensation of its CEO, Lowell McAdam to $23.1 million.

Next month's shareholder meeting protest is an extension of the 99 Percent Spring/Challenging Corporate Power's "Shareholder Spring." After training in direct, non-violent action, activists are now preparing demonstrations and actions at shareholder meetings of Chevron, Bank of America, Walmart and Wells Fargo.

More information will be available at