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CWA Typo Local Breaks Logjam in Detroit
March 1, 1999
Detroit Typographical Union 18, CWA Local 14593 has become the first union to reach agreement and ratify a new contract in the long-running dispute with the Detroit News and Free Press.
A Winning Agenda for Election 2000
March 1, 1999
CWA Secretary-Treasurer Barbara Easterling called on union activists in Texas to keep up the hard work that helped millions of working Americans send a clear message to Congress in the 1998 midterm elections.
Remaking the Labor Movement: Which Direction For Organized Labor?
March 1, 1999
Essays on Organizing, Outreach and Internal Transformations
Edited by Bruce Nissen
Wayne State University Press, Detroit
264 pages, soft cover, $28.95
Edited by Bruce Nissen
Wayne State University Press, Detroit
264 pages, soft cover, $28.95
Organized Labor, from A to Z
March 1, 1999
The Lexicon of Labor
by Robert Emmett Murray
New Press, New York
207 pages, soft cover, $13.95
A former Newspaper Guild-CWA local president has literally written the book from "A" to "Z" on the labor movement.
by Robert Emmett Murray
New Press, New York
207 pages, soft cover, $13.95
A former Newspaper Guild-CWA local president has literally written the book from "A" to "Z" on the labor movement.
March 1, 1999
The CWA News in the February 1999 issue inadvertently identified Nancy Rocha as president of The Newspaper Guild-CWA Local 32100, the Translators and Interpreters Guild. In fact, on Jan. 1, 1999, Alan Gleason succeeded Ms. Rocha, who now serves TTIG as vice president.