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A Winning Agenda for Election 2000
CWA Secretary-Treasurer Barbara Easterling called on union activists in Texas to keep up the hard work that helped millions of working Americans send a clear message to Congress in the 1998 midterm elections.
Speaking at the Texas political and legislative conference in Austin, Easterling reminded CWA activists that earlier last year, right-wing leaders like Newt Gingrich, Tom Delay and Dick Armey were promising their supporters big gains in the House and Senate, gains that would enable Congress to move ahead on a broad anti-worker agenda.
Instead, "it was a history-making election," a strong message from the American people that elected officials should focus on the issues that matter to working families — strengthening social security, a patients’ bill of rights, a living wage for workers and quality education for all children, she said. Our success was directly related to "our ability to energize and mobilize our members" in support of candidates who support the concerns and real issues of working families, she added.
"We can build on that success and that hard work and make sure that government works for working families," Easterling said. "But we have to start now," she said, urging activists to "get to work on Election Day 2000."
Speaking at the Texas political and legislative conference in Austin, Easterling reminded CWA activists that earlier last year, right-wing leaders like Newt Gingrich, Tom Delay and Dick Armey were promising their supporters big gains in the House and Senate, gains that would enable Congress to move ahead on a broad anti-worker agenda.
Instead, "it was a history-making election," a strong message from the American people that elected officials should focus on the issues that matter to working families — strengthening social security, a patients’ bill of rights, a living wage for workers and quality education for all children, she said. Our success was directly related to "our ability to energize and mobilize our members" in support of candidates who support the concerns and real issues of working families, she added.
"We can build on that success and that hard work and make sure that government works for working families," Easterling said. "But we have to start now," she said, urging activists to "get to work on Election Day 2000."