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Trivia Whiz: Smarts and a Speedy Finger Lead CWA Officer to "Millionaire"
April 1, 2000
Naturally, Steve Kummer wanted to win a bundle of money when his “fastest finger” landed him on ABC’s “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” in late February.
CWA Urges Prompt Action on Ergonomics Standard
Press Release
The Communications Workers of America, along with other professional organizations and unions, is supporting the Labor Department in its effort to finalize protections for workers against repetitive motion illnesses and injuries and other ergonomic hazards in the workplace.
CWA Pledges $25,000 Per Week to Aid Boeing Strikers
Press Release
Communications Workers Pledge $25,000 Per Week
To Aid Striking Engineers, Technical Employees at Boeing
To Aid Striking Engineers, Technical Employees at Boeing
CWA's Appeals to Univision's Cisneros to End Hunger Strike
Press Release
CWA President Appeals to Univision's Cisneros
For Action to End Hunger Strike
Cites `Shameful Wages' for Hispanics at Top-Rated Station
For Action to End Hunger Strike
Cites `Shameful Wages' for Hispanics at Top-Rated Station
Spotlight: Labor and Economic News Across the Country: Fighting Irish Fight for Workers
March 1, 2000
Apparel manufacturers in all countries that make clothing and other logo items for the University of Notre Dame stand to lose their lucrative contracts if they refuse to allow workers to organize.