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Organizing Roundup
May 1, 2000
Victories Elsewhere:
- District 1. CWA Local 1040, on a 7-5 vote, won an election for 17 office and professional workers at Carriage House Manor Nursing Home, reported Ed Sabol, administrative assistant to District 1 Vice President Larry Mancino.
Employees, Shareholders Challenge 'Business as Usual' at GE, IBM Annual Meetings Next Week
Press Release
Note: Workers from GE and IBM are available to talk about the shareholder meetings and other activities; contact CWA to arrange interviews.
ISS Backs Employee Shareholder Resolution to Restore Pension, Retiree Medical Benefits at IBM
Press Release
Institutional Shareholder Services is recommending support for a shareholder resolution on the agenda of the April 25 IBM Corp. (NYSE:IBM) meeting - submitted by IBM employees - that will restore pension and retirement medical coverage for workers whose benefits were slashed by IBM last year.
Torchmark Ends Contract with Anti-Union MCI WorldCom
Press Release
The Communications Workers of America today applauded the decision of Torchmark Corp. to terminate its telecommunications contract with anti-union MCI/WorldCom on April 1 and switch to AT&T. The new business for AT&T is estimated to be $6 million annually.
World Unions Rally Around GE Action Plan
April 1, 2000
CWA President Morton Bahr joined leaders of the world’s trade unions in calling for an international code of conduct requiring General Electric Co. to respect workers’ rights wherever it does business.