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Organizing Roundup

Victories Elsewhere:

  • District 1. CWA Local 1040, on a 7-5 vote, won an election for 17 office and professional workers at Carriage House Manor Nursing Home, reported Ed Sabol, administrative assistant to District 1 Vice President Larry Mancino.
  • District 2. Twenty-two drivers for Big Apple Limousine, Arlington and Springfield, Va., won voluntary recognition with CWA Local 2222. Management agreed that a union would help establish a more stable, productive and happy workforce. Local Executive Vice President Stacie Adams and organizing committee chair Brenda Judd assisted the drivers.
  • District 4. Eight Olmsted, Ohio, city employees won representation with CWA Local 4340 in a State Employee Relations Board election. Local organizers Jim Cosgrove and Mike Plezia provided support.
  • District 6. CWA Local 6350 won an election for AT&T Local Service technicians in St. Louis, Mo., on a vote of 8-5, reported District Organizing Coordinator Sandy Rusher. Assisted by CWA Representative Phil Ferril, Local 6350 President Bob Huss, Secretary Melissa Lefmann and Executive Vice President John Ross “did a great job,” Rusher said.
  • District 9. Deputy district attorneys, staff attorneys, nurses, psychiatrists and psychologists won CWA representation for 63 Butte County, Calif., professional employees on a vote of 38 for CWA, 3 for no union and 0 for an independent employee association. Virginia Rodriquez-Jones, administrative assistant to District 9 Vice President Tony Bixler, said two attorneys, a nurse and a psychologist led the inside committee with assistance from Local 9414 President and organizer Mitch Crooks.