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CWA Presses Shareholders to Block 'Poison Pill' Tactic at MCI WorldCom
The Communications Workers of America is urging WorldCom shareholders to support a proposal requiring shareholder approval of any plan to adopt or keep a so-called "poison pill" provision.
CWA's 2000 Telecom Bargaining Centers on Bell Atlantic
This year, contract negotiations in the telecommunications industry will focus mainly on Bell Atlantic (NYSE:BEL), with the contract covering 71,000 workers in 13 states to expire August 5.
Global Union Network Presses European Commission to Block Sprint MCI WorldCom Mega-Merger
Officials of Union Network International - representing nearly 15 million telecom and information sector workers - met today with the European Commission merger task force to further detail their strong opposition to the proposed mega-merger of Sprint and MCI WorldCom.
AT&T Cable Workers Vote CWA
May 1, 2000
Nearly 80 AT&T cable workers voted for CWA representation by solid majorities in the first four elections at AT&T Broadband to be conducted under terms of the negotiated neutrality and consent election agreement.
Cleveland TV Techs Remain Solid for Union
May 1, 2000
Dogged persistence paid off for NABET-CWA Local 42, in finally winning representation for 110 technicians at channels 19 and 43 in Cleveland, Ohio, said Seth Rosen, administrative assistant to District 4 Vice President Jeff Rechenbach.