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Grassroots Alliance Gears Up to Fight Unfair Trade

April 1, 2002
More than 50 activists from labor unions, family farms, Jobs with Justice, environmental causes and other groups met at CWA headquarters the first weekend in March to join forces to fight “fast track” trade negotiating authority and other trade deals that cater to corporations at the expense of work

Bahr Walks with New Era Strikers in Derby

April 1, 2002
Buoyed by a visit from CWA President Morton Bahr, more than 200 strikers turned out on the picket line March 20 outside New Era Cap Co.’s Derby, N.Y., plant.

CWA Newsmakers

April 1, 2002
Carol Ann Simmons, a retired member of CWA 4603 in Milwaukee and past officer of Local 7117 in Davenport, Iowa, has been inducted into the East Central Iowa/Northwestern Illinois AFL-CIO Hall of Fame.