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Communications Workers President Morton Bahr: 'Qwest Is in Good Hands With New Top Leadership'
Press Release
Washington, D.C. – The head of the union representing 30,000 employees at Qwest Communications hailed the company's new CEO as "one of the best in the business" and called on the investment community to "give this leadership team a chance to turn the company around."
CWA: Fairness Needed in US Airways Talks
Press Release
Washington, D.C. – Over the past several weeks, the Communications Workers of America has been trying to reach a fair and reasonable settlement over cost-cutting measures with US Airways management on behalf of the 10,000 passenger service employees the union represents.
June Organizing Gains Top 2,300
July 3, 2002
Organizing activity brought CWA more than 2,300 new members in June even as hundreds of local organizers and staff prepared for the union’s 64th annual convention.
Bahr Blasts GOP ‘Sham’ Drug Bill
July 3, 2002
CWA President Morton Bahr issued a statement this week blasting the House Republican prescription drug bill, passed last week on a party-line vote, as “an election year sham,” and he called on members to press the Senate for real Medicare-based drug benefits.
Senate Committee Approves Ergonomics Bill
July 3, 2002
A bill requiring the U.S. Department of Labor to issue a final ergonomics standard within two years has been approved by the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, chaired by Senator Edward Kennedy.