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Global Unions Take on Fight for Fairness at Chinese Daily News
Press Release
As part of an international mobilization campaign for respect for workers around the globe, the unions of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions are taking on the cause of workers at the Chinese Daily News.
District 1, Nurses React to SARS Epidemic
April 28, 2003
In the face of the SARS threat, CWA members of Local 1168/Nurses United are taking action to protect their patients, colleagues and communities.
CWAers Take Action at Annual Meetings
April 28, 2003
CWA members at Verizon Communications and General Electric are taking their issues directly to stockholders at corporate meetings.
California Organization of Police and Sheriffs and CWA Announce Major Affiliation
Press Release
Sacramento, Calif. -- The California Organization of Police and Sheriffs (COPS) and the Communications Workers of America (CWA) announce the signing of an affiliation agreement, effective April 5, between COPS and CWA.
3,000 "COPS" Bring Law and Order to CWA
April 11, 2003
More than 3,000 members of the California Organization of Police and Sheriffs (COPS) have joined CWA.