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AT&T Pact Improves Wages, Pensions, Job Security
June 20, 2003
After early negotiations, CWA and AT&T arrived at a tentative 25-month contract extension that boosts wages, pensions and improves job security for 22,000 workers.
GE Pact Goes to Members for Ratification
June 20, 2003
Delegates to the IUE-CWA GE Conference Board reached a tentative national agreement with General Electric on June 18 that yields wage increases, pension improvements and other gains. The agreement has been sent to members with a recommendation for approval.
Early Qwest Pact Preserves Benefits
June 20, 2003
An early tentative settlement between CWA and Qwest Communications holds the line on benefits and establishes a bonus plan that ensures workers will share in Qwest's financial success when its financial outlook turns around.
Communications Workers, AT&T Reach Early Settlement: 2-Year Contract Extension Hikes Wages, Pensions
Press Release
Washington, D.C. -- The Communications Workers of America announced that in early negotiations with AT&T this week the parties agreed to a 2-year extension of their national collective bargaining agreement covering 22,000 workers.
2003 Verizon Bargaining Gets Underway Week of June 23
Press Release
Washington, D.C.-- Contracts covering nearly 60,000 members of the Communications Workers of America at Verizon East in New York, New England and the mid-Atlantic states expire Aug. 2.