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Republicans Fail to Block New NMB Rule for Fair Union Elections

September 30, 2010
Despite their best efforts, Senate Republicans and three Democrats-in-name-only couldn't block new National Mediation Board rules that will finally bring democracy to union elections for flight attendants, passenger service agents and other airline and rail workers.

House Passes Long-Sought Health Bill for Ground Zero Workers

September 30, 2010
A health care bill for Ground Zero workers that House Republicans blocked in July was passed 268-160 on Wednesday, when 13 Republicans joined Democrats to support it. The 9/11 Health and Compensation Act would provide federal funds for medical monitoring and treatment for first responders, recovery crews and other workers exposed to Ground Zero toxins, including about 1,500 CWA members in telecom, the public sector, newspapers and broadcasting.

Iowa Hospital Workers, Alabama AT&T Mobility Techs Join CWA

September 30, 2010
Seeking strong representation, 90 employees at Hamilton (County) Hospital in Webster City, Iowa have voted to join CWA. The nurses, therapists, technicians and other direct patient care workers were formerly affiliated with the Iowa Nurses Association but said they'd received little support from INA, especially at the bargaining table.

CWA on One Nation: 'This Rally is Too Important to Miss'

September 23, 2010
Nine days to go! CWA is counting down to the Oct. 2 One Nation Working Together rally in Washington, where thousands of CWAers will gather at the Lincoln Memorial with hundreds of thousands of others to call for good jobs, bargaining rights, government that works and other issues critical to working families.