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House Passes Long-Sought Health Bill for Ground Zero Workers

A health care bill for Ground Zero workers that House Republicans blocked in July was passed 268-160 on Wednesday, when 13 Republicans joined Democrats to support it.

The 9/11 Health and Compensation Act would provide federal funds for medical monitoring and treatment for first responders, recovery crews and other workers exposed to Ground Zero toxins, including about 1,500 CWA members in telecom, the public sector, newspapers and broadcasting.

The bill's future in the U.S. Senate, which is on a campaign recess until after Election Day, is uncertain. Republicans, through the abuse of Senate rules like unanimous consent and the filibuster, have killed or weakened every bill since January 2009 that aims to protect workers, help working families or create jobs.

"Republicans on the campaign trail never miss a chance to praise 9/11's heroes, but for too many of them it's all talk," CWA President Larry Cohen said. "Their only goal is gridlock, stopping any and all progress to improve the lives of average Americans, and they'll keep doing it until the Senate rules are changed."