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CWA, ver.di, Keep Up Fight for Fairness for T-Mobile Workers

Kornelia Dubbel tells 2,000 workers in Bochum, Germany, about U.S. workers' fight for bargaining rights.

This week, 2,000 Deutsche Telekom workers in Germany rallied to support their U.S. counterparts at T-Mobile USA during a workers' meeting in Bochum.

Ver.di is the German union that represents workers at DT and subsidiary T-Mobile. CWA and ver.di are working together and formed TU to represent workers in both countries.

Kornelia Dubbel, works councilor for Deutsche Telekom Customer Service, described the struggle by T-Mobile USA workers who want bargaining rights and a union voice, and promised that ver.di members will continue to stand with their U.S. counterparts.

Dubbel and Ado Wilhelm, who is ver.di's director for telecommunications and mobile communications, have leafleted outside T-Mobile USA call centers in the U.S., to focus attention on the harassment and intimidation union supporters face from T-Mobile management.

More actions, including workers meetings and works council meetings, are planned, ver.di said.

Separately, CWA President Larry Cohen met with Wilhelm and other union leaders, including the president of the International Trade Union Confederation, on the campaign to end DT's double standard when it comes to respecting workers' rights.