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European Commission Puts the Brakes on MCI-WorldCom Merger
Following is the statement of Morton Bahr, president of the Communications Workers of America, on the decision by the European Commission to conduct a Phase II, four-month investigation of the proposed mega-merger between MCI Communications and WorldCom Inc.:
CWA Urges Public Hearings in California, Virginia on Proposed MCI/WorldCom Merger
The Communications Workers of America is continuing to raise government and public concern about the negative effects of the proposed merger of WorldCom Inc.
Merged MCI/WorldCom Would Dominate the Internet And Stifle Telephone Competition, CWA Charges In Tod
WorldCom's proposed acquisition of MCI would give the company near monopoly control over the Internet backbone with the power to set prices and control access by service providers, the Communications Workers of America charged in urging the Federal Communications Commission to block the deal.
University of California Health Care Professionals Vote for CWA Representation
Health care professionals at the five medical centers of the University of California voted by a two-to-one margin to join the Communications Workers of America.
"Global Outlaw" Sprint Must Be Stopped Union Leaders Protest Anti-Worker Tactics of Telecom Firms
More than a thousand trade unionists here demonstrated against Sprint Corp. and labeled the telecommunications firm a "global outlaw" for its abuse of workers' rights.
More than a thousand trade unionists here demonstrated against Sprint Corp. and labeled the telecommunications firm a "global outlaw" for its abuse of workers' rights.