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CWA, Allies Fight Corporate Money in Politics

January 26, 2012
CWA, working with several organizations determined to restore our democracy, spotlighted the destructive influence of corporate money in politics in actions and events tied to the Jan. 20 anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling.

Tell Congress: Only People are People

January 26, 2012
Ever since the 2010 Supreme Court "Citizens United" decision declared that corporations and other groups could spend as much as they wanted in political campaigns, money has become a harmful and corrosive influence in American politics.

CWA Commends President Obama's State of the Union Remarks

Press Release
The Communications Workers of America commends President Obama for his focus on creating an America that is built to last with an economy that works for everyone, not just a wealthy few. In addition, an America built to last cannot be one in which corporate money determines who is elected and what issues are debated.

Labor to Cuomo: Keep up the Fight for Public Financing of Elections

January 19, 2012
Adding new momentum in the fight to clean up Albany, the presidents of three national labor unions are commending New York Governor Andrew Cuomo for his leadership in pressing for public funding of elections in the state, and urging him to keep up the fight.

In a letter to the Governor, the presidents of the UAW, SEIU and Communications Workers of America write that ?uniting us all is a commitment to the idea that all workers deserve a voice and that in a democracy, wealth should not determine political powers. The status quo systems of elections in New York, with their sky-high donation limits and lack of public matching funds, undermine these principles.?