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CWA Memorializes the Death of Kevin Mashburn, CWA Local 6360

March 25, 2013
During the early morning hours of September 19, 2012, Kevin Mashburn, 59 years old and a 41-year employee- a member of CWA Local 6360, Kansas, City, Missouri-employed as a technician by AT&T, was performing non-critical work on a telecommunications cross-box when he was assaulted and beaten over the head with a tire-iron.

Airline Passengers Support "No Knives on Planes"

March 21, 2013

Today the Coalition of Flight Attendant Unions, representing 90,000 Flight Attendants, leafleted airports around the country to directly enlist passengers in the fight to keep knives out of the aircraft cabin.

Outrage Grows Over Allowing Knives on Planes

March 14, 2013
At a press conference today on Capitol Hill, the Coalition of Flight Attendants Union rallied their growing number of allies against TSA's new policy allowing small knives on planes.

Workers' Memorial Day - April 28, 2013

March 13, 2013
On April 28, 2013, CWA and the U.S. labor movement will once again observe Workers? Memorial Day. This year, the theme for Workers? Memorial Day is, ?Safe Jobs Save Lives: Make Your Voice Heard.?