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Airline Passengers Support "No Knives on Planes"



AFA-CWA International President Veda Shook and AFA-CWA 22028 Local President Ernie Lazernick hand out fliers to passengers at Reagan National Airport in Washington, DC.



Today the Coalition of Flight Attendant Unions, representing 90,000 Flight Attendants, leafleted airports around the country to directly enlist passengers in the fight to keep knives out of the aircraft cabin.

Leaflets encourage passengers to sign their petition to the White House and call members of Congress to support legislation to overturn TSA Administrator John Pistole's abrupt policy change.

The leaflet says:

The new rule does not make sense for combating potential terrorist attacks nor the daily disturbances we handle by de-escalating conflicts or asking passengers to help us contain problems. Aircraft cabins are fuller than ever and Flight Attendant staffing has been cut. Introducing knives and other weapons into these situations makes our job harder and everyone in the cabin less safe.

It makes no sense to choose between guarding against a hostile take-over attempt and an explosive device. We need to ensure air travel is secured against all threats to our safety and security.

We believe the millions who travel expect to arrive safely — and it's our job to ensure it. Join us in opposition to this short-sighted, dangerous change to aviation security.

People on the front lines of aviation security know this is a bad idea. Air Marshals, Pilots, Transportation Security Officers and airline CEOs agree with Flight Attendants.

Sign AFA's White House Petition and help keep knives and other dangerous objects out of the aircraft cabin and on the ground where they belong.