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Bargaining Update

Bargaining Update

March 3, 2022
The latest bargaining information for AT&T Mobility and DirecTV (Orange), Frontier Communications, and more.
AT&T Mobility Orange Bargaining Report

CWA / ATTM Orange CBA - Bargaining Report #10

February 25, 2022
Your  Bargaining  Team  continues  to  meet  with  the  Company  on  a  daily  basis.  As  we  have  stated multiple  times,  we  are  engaged  in  discussions  specifically  related  to  each  group  in  the  Orange Contract.  We  also  spend  a  significant  amount  of  time  working  on  the  issues  that  affect everyone  equally  such  as  scheduling,  medical  and  compensation.
AT&T Mobility Orange Bargaining Report

CWA / ATTM Orange CBA - Bargaining Report #9

February 18, 2022
After a bad start to bargaining this week, we did have some progress in more recent bargaining sessions. The progress is not nearly enough to get us to a contract. Medical benefits are still a real sticking point and we remain very far apart. In a world where we are dealing with a pandemic and the physical and emotional stress caused by the pandemic, the Company is trying to increase cost for benefits and medications.
Orange Bargaining Valentines

Bargaining Update

February 17, 2022
The latest bargaining information for AT&T Mobility and DirecTV (Orange) and the Center for Biological Diversity.
AT&T Mobility Orange Bargaining Report

CWA / ATTM Orange CBA - Bargaining Report #8

February 15, 2022
The Union Bargaining Committee continues to meet with the Company every day. Today, the company passed one of the most offensive and concessionary proposals we have seen from them in many years. After your bargaining team expressed their outrage at the Company’s proposal, the Company immediately withdrew their concessionary proposal.