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It Gets Better
November 12, 2010
Do you know about the "It Gets Better Project?" It's a national campaign encouraging Americans to speak out against hate and intolerance with the message that everyone deserves to be respected for who they are.
CWA Supports the US joining CEDAW
November 10, 2010
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is the only international human rights treaty to focus exclusively on the rights of women. To date, it has only been ratified 186 of 193 countries worldwide. Sadly missing, like Iran, Somalia and Sudan, is the United States. The treaty protects fundamental rights, addressing violence against women, the right to vote, sex trafficking, and access to education among other important issues to women.
The Race for a Cure goes Mobile!
November 10, 2010
Gayle Crawley, Chair of the National Women?s Committee, is involved in the race to find a cure for breast cancer. Like too many in CWA, her local has been touched by this disease, which kills someone in the world every 69 seconds. The National Women?s Committee invites all of CWA to keep up to date with the latest technological advances for this important cause.
CWA General Counsel Mary O'Melveny Updates Conference Delegates on Current Legal Issues
October 19, 2010
Delegates at the CWA Civil Rights and Equity Conference in New Orleans, LA last month were given a detailed briefing on some of the most critical legal cases confronting women and minorities not only in our union but across America.
One Nation: A Sea of CWA Red
October 7, 2010
CWAers had a great day on Oct 2 at the One Nation Working Together March in Washington. CWA red was the dominant color --it was everywhere.