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"Why Are You Supporting the Competition, Mom?"

October 1, 2011

Standing with Verizon/Verizon Wireless Workers an Education for Kids and Grown-Ups

Kathy Hayes works for AT&T Mobility in Champaign, Ill., and Stan Wylie works for CenturyLink in Seattle, but it would be easy to mistake them lately for Verizon/Verizon Wireless workers.

"We Have to Be There for Each Other's Fights"

October 1, 2011


“We need to look for opportunities to link to other fights in our communities. We need to connect them, from Hyatt Hotels to Verizon stores to the postal workers’ campaign. If we’re there for each other, we all start winning. It’s all about building a movement. We can’t hope for it, we can’t wait for it. We have to fight for it.” — CWA President Larry Cohen