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We're Turning Up the Heat in our Fight for Middle Class Jobs at Verizon and Verizon Wireless

Verizon and Verizon Wireless – along with millions of tech geeks worldwide – are eagerly anticipating the release of the iPhone 5. Now is the time to ramp up our mobilization for a fair contract! CWA members will picket and rally at Verizon work locations on Thursday, September 29th. On Friday, September 30th and Saturday, October 1st, we head to Verizon Wireless and Apple stores. With your help, we’ll cover those stores with leafleters.

Photo: Members from CWA Local 1108 handbilled in front of Verizon Wireless stores to ask: Why didn't Verizon pay federal income taxes?

Our two-week strike in August showed Verizon and Verizon Wireless that it could not keep stonewalling us at the bargaining table. We showed management—and all of America—that working people will stand up against corporate greed and keep fighting to defend the American Dream. Now we will be bargaining from CWA’s health care proposals at Verizon and Verizon Wireless. And we are forcing management to focus on our demand to bring thousands of outsourced and off-shored jobs back into the bargaining unit.

To win a fair and just contract, we need to turn up the heat!

If you are a CWA member, talk to your steward or your local to leaflet at a Verizon Wireless or Apple Store near you. Click here for a downloadable copy of an Apple Store leaflet. Click here for a Verizon Wireless store leaflet.

Friends and allies of workers at Verizon and Verizon Wireless: click here to sign our petition. And if you want to “Adopt-a-Store”, and leaflet more than once, click here to sign up.

With the iPhone 5 coming out soon, it’s time to send VeriGreedy a message.