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Get on the CWA Bus for the Oct. 2 'One Nation' Rally

August 19, 2010
Don't miss your chance to join other CWAers and be part of a historic rally a quarter of a million strong on Oct. 2 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. There, workers and retirees, environmentalists, human rights activists and other voices from across the progressive movement will speak as "One Nation" to fight for good jobs, retirement security, bargaining rights and government that works for all of us.

T-Mobile Campaign Heats Up

July 30, 2010
CWA delegates voted strong support for T-Mobile USA workers who are fighting for bargaining rights, and applauded the actions of ver.di, the union for T-Mobile workers in Germany that is working with CWA to end the double standard at the company.

GOP House Members Press Deutsche Telekom on Workers' Rights in U.S.

July 8, 2010
Seven Republican members of Congress have signed a letter to Deutsche Telekom chief executive officer Rene Olbermann calling on the company to "follow the same, fair policies at your U.S. subsidiary as at Deutsche Telekom" with regard to workers' rights to decide for themselves, free from management interference, whether they want to organize and bargain collectively.