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Get on the CWA Bus for the Oct. 2 'One Nation' Rally

Don't miss your chance to join other CWAers and be part of a historic rally a quarter of a million strong on Oct. 2 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. There, workers and retirees, environmentalists, human rights activists and other voices from across the progressive movement will speak as "One Nation" to fight for good jobs, retirement security, bargaining rights and government that works for all of us.

CWA, one of nearly 200 organizations already signed up for the event, will sponsor buses to Washington, D.C., for members, family and friends from mid-Atlantic and Midwestern states. The One Nation March on Washington gets underway at noon on Oct. 2.

To reserve a seat on the bus, and to reserve seats for family members and friends, go to For more on the event, check out

CWA's Communications Dept. would like to hear from members planning to participate. Email us about why it's important to you to attend. Please include your full name, city, state and CWA Local number, and contact information. The e-mail address is