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Grammy Award Winning Musician, Actor, Writer Steve Earle Boosts Workers' Fight at Verizon

Press Release

Thousands of Verizon employees heard a message from Steve Earle last week calling out Verizon Communications for hitting up workers for another $20,000 a year in compensation cuts while posting another record earnings quarter this year. As part of Shareholder Spring, nearly 1,000 workers, students and progressive activists demonstrated inside and outside Verizon's annual meeting on May 3 in Huntsville, Ala., demanding that the company stop its assault on customers, employees and American taxpayers.

Activists Rally Against VeriGreedy Verizon

May 3, 2012
Hundreds of CWA members, activists and allies descended on Verizon's annual shareholders meeting on Thursday, protesting the company's excessive corporate greed and war against the middle class.

Shareholder Spring Coalition Takes on Verizon

May 3, 2012
While hundreds of CWAers and supporters were rallying outside and speaking inside Verizon's shareholder meeting in Huntsville, Ala., members of the 99 Percent Spring Coalition were standing up and fighting back against VeriGreedy at rallies and actions across the country.

CWA Activists Join May Day Protests

May 3, 2012
CWA activists joined the Occupy Movement's big return to the national stage on Tuesday, bringing May Day's annual celebration of international workers' rights home with protests in more than 100 U.S. cities.