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Shareholder Spring Coalition Takes on Verizon

Washington DC Verizon Rally

D.C. Activists protest corporate greed.

While hundreds of CWAers and supporters were rallying outside and speaking inside Verizon's shareholder meeting in Huntsville, Ala., members of the 99 Percent Spring Coalition were standing up and fighting back against VeriGreedy at rallies and actions across the country.

The Verizon events were part of Shareholder Spring, a campaign of actions at corporate annual meetings organized by the 99 Percent Spring Coalition.

Shareholder Spring actions have been focusing on corporate greed, and specifically, how wealthy U.S. companies pay little or no taxes. Shareholder actions last week took on Wells Fargo and GE; Verizon, which paid no federal income tax from 2008 to 2010 — and in fact, got a tax rebate — was among this week's targets.

Some 45,000 Verizon and Verizon Wireless workers still are fighting for fair contracts, while the very profitable company continues to demand $1 billion a year in concessions from workers, while getting another $1 billion a year from consumers in new phone upgrade fees.

Jobs with Justice, National People's Action, student groups, and other 99 Percent Spring Coalition members led actions and rallies from Portland, Ore., to Chicago to Philadelphia.

And there were other opportunities to send a message to Verizon. By calling 877-851-3674, activists across the 99 Percent Spring Coalition could record a message to be sent directly to Verizon executives about the company's corporate greed.