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Vermont Proud to Be First State on Verge of Universal Health Care

May 5, 2011
As other states fixate on ways to take rights, services and benefits away from people, Vermont's legislature has boldly passed the nation's first single-payer bill to provide affordable health care for all Vermonters.

CWA members testified, rallied and helped educate the public about the bill, which removes from employers the costly burden of providing health insurance.

"We want health care to follow the individual and not be a requirement of the employer, which we think will be a huge jobs creator," said Gov. Pete Shumlin, speaking on the Rachel Maddow show. He said Vermont wants to be the first state to "treat health care as a right and not a privilege."

US Health Care Costs Going Up and Up and Up

May 3, 2011
A new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation has found that health care is not only more expensive in the United States than any other industrialized nation on the planet, but costs are rising more quickly here too.