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Recent Survey Shows Importance of Health Reform for American Women

A recent survey by the Commonwealth Foundation has found that American women are being disproportionately hurt by the increasing cost of health care. Among the alarming statistics produced in their survey:

  • Approximately 30% of working age women (27 million total) spent some time uninsured in 2010
  • 44% percent of working age women (42 million total) reported problems paying medical bills in 2010
  • Nearly half of working age women (45 million total) reported not getting needed care because of cost in 2010

There are many reasons why American women have been particularly affected by our dysfunctional health care system. For example, women have greater health care needs, have lower incomes, and have historically been more responsible for health care of family members in this country.

The Affordable Care Act, the health care reform bill signed into law by President Obama last year, addresses this escalating problem in many ways. Already new insurance regulations like mandated free coverage of preventive service and bans on lifetime benefit limits have begun to help. Most importantly, in 2014 comprehensive health insurance will become available to all Americans along with subsidies to make it affordable. Universal access to comprehensive, affordable health insurance will help many American women get the health care they need.

-- Commonwealth Fund