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CWA Wants FCC to Deny Satellite TV Merger
February 15, 2002
Citing concerns for consumers and workers, CWA is urging the Federal Communications Commission to deny a monopoly merger plan by the country's two largest providers of satellite television service.
AT&T, Comcast Seek Job Security For Top Executives, Board Members: Workers Offered the Opportunity t
Press Release
Washington, D.C. – While AT&T refuses to discuss workers' concerns about jobs and employment security, the company's board of directors and senior executives would give themselves job security at least through 2005, the Communications Workers of America charged.
CWA Response to AT&T Contract Extension Proposal: Statement by Ralph Maly, CWA Vice President for Co
Press Release
Washington, D.C. – AT&T's proposed contract extension is long on rhetoric and very short on workers' concerns about jobs as the company moves ahead with its breakup.
New Era Campaign Escalates; CWA Seeks Return to Bargaining
February 1, 2002
New Era workers and their student and union supporters announced significant victories and a major escalation of their campaign for a fair contract at the cap manufacturer’s Derby, N.Y., plant, exactly six months from the date Local 14177 went on strike.
Philip Perkins Dies at COE Meeting
February 1, 2002
Philip Perkins, president of Local 6139 for the past six years, died of a heart attack Jan. 10 while attending the Committee on Equity meeting in Washington, D.C.