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Unions Set Global Telecom Agenda
October 11, 2002
In a multi-nation video news conference this week, leaders from CWA and some of the world's other major telecom unions outlined initiatives to promote universal service and growth in high speed Internet access and to end corporate corruption in an industry in turmoil.
Violent Storms Take Toll on District 3
October 11, 2002
BellSouth technicians are working 12-hour shifts to restore infrastructure and phone service throughout much of Louisiana as District 3 staff and local presidents continue to assess the damage done to members by Tropical Storm Isidore and Hurricane Lili.
High Tech Website is One-Stop Resource for IT Workers
Press Release
The hottest issues in information technology, job and training opportunities, the latest industry developments and resources for techs seeking a voice on the job all are part of a new online community for IT workers:
CWA Urges FCC to Reject DISH Network-DIRECTV Merger
Press Release
Washington, D.C. -- CWA President Morton Bahr called on the Federal Communications Commission to reject the proposed merger of EchoStar’s DISH Network and Hughes Network Systems’ DIRECTV, citing the harm to consumers and workers that would result if the $26 billion merger is approved.
Tim Johnson: the Clear Choice For South Dakota's Working Families
October 1, 2002
Throughout his 16 years in Congress — 10 in the U.S. House and the last six in the U.S. Senate — Tim Johnson has been a fighter for CWA members and South Dakota’s working families.